Journal title:Melek IT: Information Technology Journal Initials: MelekIT Abbreviation: Melek IT Journal Frequency: Two issues per year DOI prefix:10.30742 by Crossref Print ISSN:2442-3386 Online ISSN:2442-4293 Editor in chief :Anang Kukuh A Managing Editor :Shofiya Syidada Publisher :Universitas Wiajaya Kusuma Surabaya Organizer: Informatics Engineering Department-UWKS Indexing: Google Scholar, SINTA , ORCiD, Garuda |
Melek IT: Information Technology Journal, is a journal published by the Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya since 2012 with ISSN: 2252-9128 for print publication. In an effort to improve journal quality and agreement from the editors, a joint commitment to optimize the quality of the journal, so that at the beginning of 2015 it obtained a pISSN: 2442-3386 for printed and eISSN: 2442-4293 for electronic journals. ISSN submission is accompanied by several improvements ranging from the editor's structure, the scope of writing, vision, and the overall rules and ethics of scientific publication, each issue is 10 articles. The journal publishes between January-June and July-December, containing the paper raised from the results of research in the field of INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
Current Issue
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024)
Published December 31, 2024
Original Research
Ananda Yulianto, Noven Indra Prasetya

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Dwi Vernanda, Zahrani Nurizati, Arif Hidayat

Abstract View: 84,

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Adila Denta Nayoan; Nur Khafidhoh, Zulfikar Zulfikar; Achmad Agus Athok

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Trianto Wijaya, Shofiya Syidada

Abstract View: 64,

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Alya Putri Salsabila, Achmad Syahmi Rasendriya, Muthia Nurul Sa’adah, Rizky Fadlurohman, Wahyu Mustika Aji, Aditya Wicaksono, Muhammad Nasir

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Dany Candra Febrianto, Maulida Ayu Fitriani, Mahazam Afrad, Mutiara Auliya Khadija

Abstract View: 136,

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Moch. Nur Rachman Ases D., Tjatursari Widiartin, Johan Paing Heru Waskito

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Neli Wardah; Ervi Nurafliyan Susanti, Agung Sugiarto

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