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LMS, Waskita, SUS, SUS Method.


This research was conducted at Amikom Yogyakarta University, an institution that responded adaptively to the pandemic by developing the Waskita Learning Management System (LMS). LMS Waskita serves as a supportive platform for teaching and learning activities, facilitating the exchange of lecture materials, assignment submissions, and quizzes between lecturers and students. Usability evaluation was conducted using the System Usability Scale (SUS), a simple and reliable user testing method. The evaluation results indicate that LMS Waskita obtained an average SUS score of 54.2, falling into the 'Not Acceptable' category, indicating the need for improvement. In addition to the SUS calculations, an analysis of respondent suggestions was also carried out to strengthen the evaluation results. This research provides valuable insights for the development and enhancement of the quality of LMS Waskita to improve user experience and usability.
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How to Cite

A. C. . Frobenius, O. R. . Pramuji, O. W. . Hutabriandari, A. W. . Majid, D. S. . Wibowo, and F.X. Wisnu Yudo Untoro, “USABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT WASKITA AMIKOM UNIVERSITY: APPROACH TO THE SYSTEM USABILITY SCALE”, MelekIT, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 193–202, Dec. 2023.
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