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Anda harus membaca dan menyatakan bahwa Anda sudah melengkapi persyaratan berikut ini sebelum melanjutkan.

  • Naskah belum pernah diterbitkan sebelumnya, dan tidak sedang dalam pertimbangan untuk diterbitkan di jurnal lain (atau sudah dijelaskan dalam Komentar kepada Editor).
  • Referensi yang dapat diakses online telah dituliskan URL-nya.
  • File naskah dalam format file OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, atau WordPerfect bukan dalam file PDF. Sesuai dengan standar template jurnal Melek IT, dan teks mengikuti persyaratan gaya dan bibliografi yang diuraikan dalam Panduan Penulis
  • Panjang makalah minimal 12 halaman dan tidak lebih dari 16 halaman kecuali untuk penelitian laporan singkat. Editor akan mengevaluasi jika sebuah makalah membutuhkan lebih dari 16 halaman. Naskah wajib ditulis dalam bingkai dengan panjang 23.5cm, lebar 16.5cm di kertas ukuran A4.
  • Abstrak memiliki maksimal 300 KATA; Tidak ada kutipan; Sebutkan secara abstrak tujuan utama, desain penelitian, metodologi, hasil utama, dan hasil, dan kesimpulan. Struktur bagian naskah: Pendahuluan - Metode - Hasil dan Pembahasan - Kesimpulan
  • Referensi mengharapkan minimal 20 referensi, terutama dengan minimal 80% untuk makalah jurnal yang diterbitkan dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir sebelum naskah diserahkan dengan maksimal 20% referensi yang dikutip dari web (seperti Wikipedia, surat kabar online). Referensi menggunakan alat seperti Zotero, Mendeley, atau EndNote untuk manajemen referensi dan pemformatan, dan telah memilih gaya IEEE.

Original Research

This is the most common type of journal manuscript used to publish full reports of data from research. It may be called an Original Article, Research Article, Research, or just Article, depending on the journal. The Original Research format is suitable for many different fields and different types of studies. It includes full Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections.

Conference Papers

The journal is welcome to collaborate with the conference organizers to publish papers that are accepted in their conferences that represent ideas related to the Melek IT journal. The Conference Papers (CFP) section will not be refereed and will be edited by the conference editor. The papers will appear as a special issue in this journal.

Review Articles

Review Articles provide a comprehensive summary of research on a certain topic, and a perspective on the state of the field and where it is heading. They are often written by leaders in a particular discipline after an invitation from the editors of a journal. Reviews are often widely read (for example, by researchers looking for a full introduction to a field) and highly cited. Reviews commonly cite approximately 100 primary research articles.

Methodologies or Methods

These articles present a new experimental method, test, or procedure. The method described may either be completely new or may offer a better version of an existing method. The article should describe a demonstrable advance on what is currently available.

Short reports or Letters

these papers communicate brief reports of data from original research that editors believe will be interesting to many researchers, and that will likely stimulate further research in the field. As they are relatively short the format is useful for scientists with results that are time-sensitive (for example, those in highly competitive or quickly-changing disciplines). This format often has strict length limits, so some experimental details may not be published until the authors write a full Original Research manuscript. These papers are also sometimes called Brief communications with 5 minimum pages.

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