Klasifikasi Kebutuhan Non-Fungsional Menggunakan Fsknn Dengan Pengembangan Sinonim Dan Hipernin Berbasis ISO/IEC 9126


Non-functional requirements is one of the important factors that play a role in the success of software development that is often forgotten by the developer, causing adverse effects. To obtain the non-functional requirements needed an automation system identification non-functional requirements. In this study proposed an an automation system of identification of non-functional requirements from the requirement sentences based classification algorithms FSKNN with term enrichment on training data using synonyms and combined hypernym and synonyms based on ISO / IEC 9126. In the testing phase the dataset of requirement sentence used was 1342 sentences from six different datasets Results of this research is the term enrichment by using a combination hypernym and synonyms can improve performance accuracy by 8.1%, precision by 13% and a recall by 4.9%.


kebutuhan non-fungsional,; klasifikasi multi-label,; Fuzzy Similarity based K-Nearest Neighbour.

How to Cite

“Klasifikasi Kebutuhan Non-Fungsional Menggunakan Fsknn Dengan Pengembangan Sinonim Dan Hipernin Berbasis ISO/IEC 9126”, MelekIT, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1–6, Dec. 2015, doi: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v1i2.45.
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