Klasifikasi siswa menggunakan bayesian classification di uptd smp negeri 2 baron


To provide learning for students is not enough only in academics , but also needed in non- academic fields such as counseling . With counseling , psychological known how the students with what they are experiencing , so it takes the handling of student counseling . Giving questionnaire or questionnaires to students is a way to find out the problems in a natural student . This research is the development of the students' classification problems using Bayesian classification . Data obtained using a questionnaire that has been converted into a computerized , then weighted and processed using a Bayesian classification to obtain results in student services . Classification of students using Bayesian classification can generate services to students in accordance with the natural problems in students . Through the classification of students with Bayesian classification devote facilitate students in their personal problems without difficulty or feel embarrassed , but it also helps administrators in data processing to generate the appropriate student services on student issues . The use of Bayesian classification algorithm is suitable to assist performance  and efficiency while counseling guidance  teachers in performing services to students.


classification; counseling guidance ; Bayesian classification;

How to Cite

“Klasifikasi siswa menggunakan bayesian classification di uptd smp negeri 2 baron”, MelekIT, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 15–22, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v1i1.36.
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