The purpose of this study is to build a web-based software that can be used to select pipe products. The existence of various brands, sizes, and types of pipe products will make it difficult for someone to determine the right pipe for their needs. The results of this study will be able to help someone who is planning to design the pipe needs needed in a house based on the size of the house and the layout of the house. The resulting software is web-based, so it can be used by anyone by first creating an account on the software. The trial on the pipe seller side was applied to PT. Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika. The software built using an expert system development model through six stages, and the pipe selection method uses the Certainty Factor method. The first stage carried out in this study was to identify the problem. In this study, the problems that occurred at PT Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika were determined to be related to complaints that were often felt by its customers. The second stage was to conduct a feasibility study. In this study, it was examined whether it was possible to develop an expert system to help solve the problems that occurred. The third stage was to conduct knowledge acquisition. In this study, theoretical and field data were collected regarding pipes to collect all the knowledge about pipes that would be needed by the expert system to be built. The fourth stage is to perform knowledge representation. At this stage, a rule base is created based on the knowledge acquisition produced in the third stage. The fifth stage is to build the system. The programming language used is PHP. The sixth stage is to test the system. Where the results of the study obtained a web-based expert system that can be used by PT Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika and their customers.
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