
Medical records are one of the bases for assessing the quality of medical services from a hospital. Medical records can provide information about details of treatment costs, type of disease, patient's health condition and so on. Through medical records, doctors can also determine further actions in patient care efforts until the next medical action. The still manual recording and documentation of medical records causes officers to experience difficulties in finding patient medical record documents. If the medical record documents are not found, it can make it difficult for doctors to determine medical treatment for the patient. Implementation of the Medical Record Information System in Clinics is used to document medical record data so that it is easier to store and search for patient medical record data. This information system is also used to process patient medical record data so that it can produce daily and operational reports.


Rekam Medis, Web, Sistem Informasi


How to Cite

“WEB-BASED MEDICAL RECORDS INTEGRATION SYSTEM AT THE DOCTOR’S CLINIC DEKA PERMADI”, MelekIT, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 49–58, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v10i1.295.
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