Vendor Shasa Organizer is one of the clothing rental service providers that offers various types of clothing, including wedding dresses, traditional outfits, batik clothes, jazz attire, and children's costumes. It is located in Driyorejo District, Gresik. However, the rental process at Shasa Organizer is currently carried out in a simple manner, where customers need to come directly to the location to rent or just check the availability of clothing. Considering the utilization of technology, the simple rental process at Shasa Organizer has the potential to reduce rental transactions and lead to errors in recording reports compared to using a website and the internet. Therefore, there is a need for a website-based rental information system. This research results in the design of an information system that provides details about the available clothing, rental process, and report recording. The system aims to support Shasa Organizer in managing rentals and report recording, allowing customers to access the website for rental information and eliminating the need to visit the location for rental inquiries or to check clothing availability.
How to Cite
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