The concept of guest service in higher education includes various aspects aimed at welcoming, providing information, and ensuring comfort for guests who come to campus. Generally, university guest registration services are still manual, through direct visits, telephone calls, emails, or letters. Manual recording uses conventional paper logs or guest books, so it takes longer and is inefficient in archiving. In addition, security problems are caused by the lack of activities to verify the identity of each visitor. This research aims to improve the quality of service in higher education by developing a web-based visitor or guest management system (Visitor Management System). This system is designed to manage visits to the campus environment efficiently and effectively. The development method used is a prototype design-build approach. This system is expected to help monitor and control visitor traffic, facilitate the registration process, and provide accurate and timely information to visitors. Thus, this web-based visitor management system can significantly improve service quality management in higher education. The object of this research is the Directorate of Education at one of the state universities in Surabaya. The research method starts with problem identification, system design, program code design, and system testing. System requirements analysis analyses service needs, constraints, and system objectives through interviews, literature studies, and field observations. This research results in the availability of a WEB-based Visitor Management System with several user functions where each user can enter data on an online form to request to be a guest.
How to Cite
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