Gresik Regency is one of the regencies in East Java province with a geographical location directly adjacent to the coast of the Java Sea. The amount of milkfish cultivation that can be produced from ponds located on the north coast of Gresik Regency has a high potential value to be utilized as processed fish products. One of the most widely produced processed fish products is milkfish crackers. The availability of easily obtained raw materials does not make it difficult to process fish crackers. Drying crackers by drying in the sun will run smoothly in hot weather or dry season. However, when entering the rainy season, there are often many obstacles, namely the heat of the sun that does not match what is needed, such as cloudy weather and even if it suddenly rains, which sometimes causes mold on the crackers because there is not enough time to take the crackers that are being dried. The drying process must always be supervised directly by humans, besides that there are several types of crackers with different compositions that have different drying times. This tool is enabled to recognize the weather including light intensity, air temperature, and rainfall so that it is considered more efficient to use during the rainy season. The user simply puts the fish crackers on the clothesline and when the tool recognizes rainy or cloudy conditions, the fish cracker clothesline will be pulled by an electric motor to be put into the room. When the user is away, the clothesline can also be monitored and controlled remotely. As a result, the IoT-based Automatic Cracker Clothesline System can recognize whether the weather is sunny, hot, or rainy. The system can also extend the clothesline automatically when the weather is sunny or hot, the system can pull the clothesline when it rains or cloudy automatically. The system can send notifications to the smartphone according to the weather conditions and the position of the clothesline being pulled or extended in realtime, the system can display the indicators of each sensor to the smartphone. Users can also enter the drying time and minimum temperature range into the system. As a result, the system can run well to recognize the weather around the cracker clothesline and can insert crackers when it is raining, cloudy or when the drying time has expired automatically.
How to Cite
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