One of the tasks of the Neighbourhood (RT/Rukun Tetangga) Head, as an extension of the Village apparatus, is to write introductory letters for residents who will take care of population administration. Population administration includes transfer letters, entry letters, birth certificates, death certificates, breaking out family cards, making KTP (Identification Cards), etc. The recording of the cover letter for population administration in RT 02 Ketintang Baru is handled by the Neighbourhood Head using Excel data processing tools. However, in the process this still raises several problems, including the presentation of information that is less organized and the process of making cover letters for residents is not yet automatic. This is because residents have to wait to meet directly with the Neighbourhood Head and are very dependent on the presence of the Neighbourhood Head. Therefore, an information system is needed that can improve the quality of service and make it easier for Neighbourhood Head and residents to prepare cover letters for population administration. Apart from that, this information system is website-based which allows residents to submit a cover letter for population administration to the Neighbourhood Head online. The method for creating the system uses waterfall. The implementation of this system is based on a dynamic website using PHP with data storage using MySQL. The testing using the blackbox method which is carried out to determine whether the features of the system can run well. The results show that the system successfully carries out all the functions or features it has for the process of submitting a cover letter for population administration from residents to the Neighbourhood Head online.
How to Cite
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