This research investigates the factors that influence students' decisions to withdraw from campus with the aim of developing strategies to increase student participation through the application of the decision tree method. Decision Trees are used to form decision trees that are easy to interpret and enable statistical pattern recognition. Research is based on UKT group criteria, social studies and GPA scores, student semesters, and credits taken. Research data was taken through a literature study from the Kaggle web platform regarding the number of students who withdrew. The research results show that the highest rate of resignation occurs among students who are not active in organizations. Even though students with a GPA in the range of 3.00-3.78 experienced withdrawal, the findings confirmed that GPA was not the main reason. The smallest UKT group (2-3) shows a lower withdrawal rate than the largest UKT group. This confirms that students who are less active in organizations are the students who resign the most. As a strategy to increase student participation, research recommends that students increase awareness and promote organizational activities, lecturers can create coaching and guidance programs, academic support. This strategy can help create a campus environment that supports student participation in organizational activities.
How to Cite
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