Store Alan Borneo is one of the shops that sells processed products of various kinds of bajakah tea, bajakah honey, chopped natural bajakah roots in Pangkalan Bun City, Central Kalimantan. The sales process of Toko Alan Borneo is carried out directly with buyers visiting the store and transacting according to the desired items, which are generally located in the city of Pangkalan Bun. For those outside the city, the sales process is by contacting the shop owner, then the buyer transfers the nominal purchase, then the goods will be sent by the owner to the store to the buyer's address. Referring to the utilization of technology, the traditional sales process carried out by Toko Alan Borneo will reduce sales potential compared to using Website and internet media. In designing the sales website at Toko Alan Borneo using the Codeigniter Framework, it was built using the PHP programming language and MySQL as the database. This research resulted in the design of an information system that provides product information and product sales so that work that was previously done by word of mouth and using Whatsapp, can be computerized properly. From the results of implementation to system testing, the system successfully works as needed on the system can process data dynamically using the crud function (create, read, update, delete) and the system can print Invoice numbers after payment and reports from consumers who have made purchases, and the system can also process data such as information in the form of graphs, the presentation of data is more systematic, and the information to be managed is more secure because the system login function has been used.
How to Cite
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