Subang State Polytechnic State Polytechnic Borrowing and Returning Information System (SIP2 BMN POLSUB) is
a website-based information system that is used to provide services for borrowing and returning state property
(BMN) to the entire academic community of Subang State Polytechnic (POLSUB). The results of information system
development certainly still have errors and deficiencies, so testing is needed so that the quality of the information
system that has been built can be known. To measure the quality of information, a standard is needed that can be used as the basis for whether the information system is feasible or not to be used. Quality assessment in this study uses the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9126 standard with six aspects namely functionality,
reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability. The results of the study show that SIP2 BMN
POLSUB has met ISO 9126 standards on the aspects of functionality, usability, efficiency, reliability, portability, and maintainability. Tests were carried out on the POLSUB academic community with data collection techniques
using a questionnaire. The first aspect is functionality with a value of 100% which shows all the functionality in the system according to user needs. The usability aspect is worth 90% which is where the information system is easy to
use. Based on the results from GTMetrix, the efficiency aspect produces grade B with 80% performance and 85%
structure, which means that the information system can maintain its performance level. In the reliability aspect, the percentage is 99% which indicates that the information system can be accessed by users at one time, as well as in the portability aspect, it reaches 100%, which means that SIP2 BMN POLSUB can be used by various types of
browsers. The last aspect, namely maintainability, reaches 100% and meets the three criteria, namely
instrumentation, consistency, and simplicity. The final conclusion is that SIP2 BMN POLSUB is suitable for use in POLSUB.
How to Cite
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