
In the age of rapidly developing technology, many sales and buying processes have developed with the help of information systems. Belia Collection is a company that sells several different types of cosmetics. The sales process at Belia Collection is always done through consumers coming into the shop. The recording of transactions, the inventory of products and the reporting of uses are always recorded in the books or manually system . To resolve the Belia Collection problem, researchers are creating a website-based e-commerce system that can make sales and generate reports automatically. The method employed is the waterfall method. This system was built using the HTML, PHP and MySQL programming languages as the database. The results of system testing were tested using the black box testing method and the system can carry out sales transactions, display stock, warehousing reports, sales reports, customer data.


sale; Belia Collection; E-Commerce


How to Cite

“RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM E-COMMERCE BERBASIS WEBSITE PADA TOKO KOSMETIK BELIA COLLECTION”, MelekIT, vol. 9, no. 1, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v9i1.278.
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