
Information systems have significantly evolved in tandem with advancements in information technology. This evolution has led PT Gaia Solution to transform from conventional business practices to digital systems, particularly for managing assessments and interviews. The transformation aims to create a web application dedicated to handling assessment and interview operations at PT Gaia Solution. This study adopts the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology using the waterfall model, which consists of the stages of requirements analysis, system design, implementation, testing, and evaluation. Application evaluation shows satisfactory results, with blackbox testing achieving a 100% success rate and high UI/UX satisfaction among users. The application was completed on time according to the set deadline and provides speed and performance that meet expectations. The outcome is a fully functional website that effectively addresses PT Gaia Solution's requirements for managing assessments and interview activities. By overcoming the limitations of the conventional system, this transformation boosts the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the company's processes. This success demonstrates that the implementation of SDLC with a waterfall approach can produce an effective web-based application as a form of transformation from conventional to digital systems at PT Gaia Solution, particularly for assessment and interview activities. This transformation can be immediately implemented and provides significant benefits to the company, including improved operational performance, data accuracy, and flexibility.


SDLC, waterfall, assessment, interview, PT Gaia Solutions


How to Cite

“DEVELOPMENT OF A WEB-BASED APPLICATION FOR MANAGING ASSESSMENT AND INTERVIEW ACTIVITIES AT PT. GAIA SOLUTIONS”, MelekIT, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 19–30, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v10i1.272.
PDF (Indonesian)


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