Technological developments are needed in carrying out various sales activities. Currently, it has become a necessity that information technology can provide convenience in finding the desired information. Toko Salsabila Seprai started running its business through the Instagram platform but there were various problems such as the lack of monitoring of the transaction process and transaction reports which were still done manually because the sales system was not integrated. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop a website-based sales information system using the SDLC method. This system is used by the Salsabila Store as a media for sales and transaction data management. The design of this sales information system uses a structured method. Website implementation is made using the HTML, PHP and MySQL programming languages and using the Bootstrap framework so that the web appearance becomes responsive and attractive. The results obtained are a website-based bed sheet sales information system application that is equipped with main page menu features, login, customer registration, shopping cart, purchases, payments, sales reports and admin pages for data management. Based on the test results using the blackbox method, these features can function properly and are valid.
How to Cite
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