
The Web-Based Security Guard Attendance Scheduling System at the Jakarta Motor Production Company was built
to make it easier for the head of the security division to make attendance schedules to avoid collisions in attendance
schedules between security guards and the same attendance schedule. The system can randomize attendance
schedules, display active attendance schedules, and attendance schedule history. The results of the system testing
worked well, making it easier for the head of the security division to make attendance schedules, see the history of
attendance schedules, make it easier for security guards to find out their attendance schedules so that they could


Sistem; Penjadwalan; Patroli; Randomize


How to Cite

“SISTEM PENJADWALAN KEHADIRAN SATPAM BERBASIS WEB DI PERUSAHAAN MOTOR JAKARTA”, MelekIT, vol. 8, no. 2, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v8i2.255.
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